Saturday, 14 November 2009

Going from living lifeless to living life ABUNDANTLY!

Have you often felt as if your body was alive but everything within you is dead; your emotions, your will to get up, to go on, you feel weary and down; some may call this a feeling of lifelessness. What do you when you feel like this? I have often felt like this and I thought what can be done to make me stop feeling like this? I wanted to feel alive like I had an abundant life. When I felt like this I clung to the promise of Jesus found in John 10:10 where He says that He has come to give life and life more abundantly. So if He came to do that, why wasn't I experiencing this life? Maybe you wonder that as well, so for this next week each day we will explore how you can have life more abundantly. So these will be the topics, Sunday: Realisation, Monday: Solutions, Tuesday: Action plan, Wednesday: Implementation, Thursday: Revision, Friday: Giving Thanks, Saturday: Living Abundantly. Jesus promised that He came to give us life more abundantly, that promise is for me and you and if you follow this blog for the next week you will learn how to claim that promise in your life. No matter what point you are in your life, it's never too late to start over, its never to late, to start living again.

A precious gift
Life can get you down,
But you don't have to let it keep you down
If you read God's word you will see
He has something better planned for you and me
Better than lifeless living
Better than anything money can afford
He has the gift of abundant life
He'll give it to you
If you ask
A life of peace and joy
A life with a lifeline to Heaven
To keep you going strong
You see,
You don't have to give up
You don't have to throw in the towel
God cares for YOU
He loves YOU
And that's why He wants to give you a gift
The gift of abundant life

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